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The life and work of George Gilder can be summarized in this sacred paradox:

Give and You Will Be Given Unto.

As he discovered, this refrain is the central lesson of marriage, it is the secret to wealth creation, and jet fuel to the kind of entrepreneurship that changes the world.

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About the movie

This is a movie about the courageous life and work of Mr. George Gilder.

George Gilder has been called an icon, a chauvinist pig, a puritan, a loser, a seer, and a boomer feminist.

Throughout his life he has struggled to sit still in any single discipline. He tackled sex roles, poverty and wealth creation, he lifted the entrepreneur out of villainy and back to a vocation of dignity, he handed Reagan the first microchip. He predicted Qualcomm’s rise, the fall of the Television, he told Bill Gates about the iPhone a decade before it existed.

George Gilder innovated and moved each discipline forward to no polite golf applause. At times, faithfulness to that vision meant standing contra mundum. But he always left each discipline better than he found it.

He is an icon, and he has earned that moniker.

About the movie


Meet George Gilder. From dairy farms to the Rockefeller’s home to Cambridge, George’s life has been unusual. Through his works on the sex roles came one central idea: Civilization is built by men with families to feed. George believed that marriage and family was the crucial process of channeling the masculine energy away from the life of free-booting pirates and toward the productive vision of entrepreneurship and innovation and discovery.


Through his time in Albany New York studying poverty, came the global best seller, Wealth and Poverty. The central insight contra the materialist-socialist types, was that wealth was created by giving not taking. President Ronald Reagan was taken by this new vision of Economics and would distribute the book to his cabinet.


Near the end of Reagan’s administration, George Gilder returned to the White House to give the President the first ever micro-chip. George saw the field of technology as an incredible harvest that would change the way we communicate and live our everyday. He predicted the end of television, the iPhone, and even the end of Google.

Who is george gilder?

If you don’t know . . .
It’s not too late.

George Gilder is an icon.

He is one of the leading economic and technological thinkers of the past fifty years.

Men and Marriage is his seminal work on the family. He wrote the global bestseller Wealth and Poverty, which was Ronald Reagan’s most quoted book. 

He predicted the iPhone in Life After Television. Life After Google blew up in China, and his newest book is Life After Capitalism.

He is a polymath and an influential venture capitalist. Today he lives with his wife in western Massachusetts.

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